DT News - Canada - Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry meeting to focus on the ‘uncharted’

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Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry meeting to focus on the ‘uncharted’

Frequently encountered but not-always-obvious situations that pediatric dentists confront will the focus of the next annual meeting of the Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. (Photo: Johann Helgason, www.dreamstime.com)

Wed. 16 July 2014


OTTAWA, Ontario, CANADA: The Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (CAPD/ACDP) is using its annual meeting this year to focus on commonly encountered but not-often-discussed issues. The annual meeting will be in Montréal from Sept. 12–13.

Dr. Duy-Dat Vu, director of the graduate program in pediatric dentistry at Sainte-Justine University Hospital Centre and chairman of the annual meeting said, "We wanted to do something different at this event — something aside from the usual bread-and-butter issues that affect pediatric dentists." Vu, along with the local organizing committee in Montréal, chose the theme of "Uncharted Territories” with the goal of enhancing awareness about not-so-obvious topics that pediatric dentists often encounter.

Using the expertise of the Québec dental and medical community, the organizing committee has put together a varied list of topics and speakers, with all lectures being presented in English.

Dr. Robert Dorion, director of the forensic dentistry program at McGill University, will open the educational sessions by exploring the evolution of forensic dentistry. Drawing on his front-line experience during the Lac-Mégantic disaster, Dorion will discuss the proper handling, examination and evaluation of dental evidence in his talk on “The Evolution of Forensic Dentistry: Fact and Fiction.”

Continuing with the discussion of legal issues, Dr. Laurel Chauvin-Kimoff, program director of the child protection program at McGill University will address the topic of “Child Abuse in the Dental Office: Recognition and Response,” as it relates to physical abuse, sexual abuse, bite marks and dental neglect.

Dr. Sam Daniel made medical history in 2005 when he treated a 39-week-old child with Botox to address a situation that had the child drowning in his own saliva. Daniel, an otolaryngologist and founder and director of the Saliva Management Clinic at McGill University will examine “Sialorrhea: Management and Challenges.”

Dr. Alain Moreau, head of the Muscular Genetics Laboratory at the University of Montréal will speak about “Orthodontic Disorders and Idiopathic Scoliosis: What Do We Know and Where Are We Going?

Marie-Josée Tessier, an occupational therapist, is director of the Dysphagia and Occupational Therapy Clinic in Longueuil, Québec. She will provide a progress report on the subjects of “Dysphagia and Gerd Management” and how this impacts pediatric dentists.

In the final session, Dr. Nelly Huynh, a member of the research committee of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and Dr. Andrée Montpetit, a specialist in obstructive sleep apnea will discuss new research in the areas of “Sleep Apnea and Bruxism.”

CAPD’s Annual Meeting will take place at The Montréal Marriott Chateau Champlain Hotel, which is close to both the downtown area of the city that includes McGill University and the University of Montréal, and Old Montréal with its historic buildings, boutique shops and restaurants. The full meeting program includes educational sessions, graduate student oral presentations, a welcome dinner cruise on Sept. 12 and the president’s dinner on Sept. 13.

The meeting typically sells out. Registration and details are available at wwwcapd46.wildapricot.org/events.


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