DT News - Canada - Leaders in oral health and dental hygiene recognized

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Leaders in oral health and dental hygiene recognized

The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association is honoring a number of professionals for their contributions to the dental hygiene profession at an annual awards ceremony on Oct. 5 in Toronto. Among the award winners is the Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene (one of its classrooms is pictured), recipient of the Health Promotion Award: Dental Hygiene School Category. (Photo/Provided by Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene)

Tue. 17 September 2013


OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada: Canadian leaders in oral health will be recognized for their service to the Canadian public and their outstanding contributions to the profession of dental hygiene and to the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) at a CDHA awards ceremony in Toronto on Oct. 5.

The CDHA Dental Hygiene Recognition Program (DHRP) has a rich history dating back to 1975 when the first Life Membership Award was granted. Since then, more than 110 dental hygienists have been recognized in 13 categories. The awards program annually recognizes dental hygiene excellence in scholarship, leadership, community involvement and research. Award winners have set high goals and achieved much in their professional and personal lives.

The 2013 awards program received more than 36 nominations. Recipients are being recognized in the following categories: distinguished service, oral health promotion, future vision, leadership, global health, excellence in teaching, research, and achievement.

Individual honorees include Palmer Nelson, Maureen Bowerman, Kelly Mabey, Laura Perri, Jeremy Huynh, Ambreen Khan, Michelle Ediger, Anthea Chang, Jennifer Turner, Ashley Corsiatto, Susanne Sunell, Rae McFarlane and Heather Biggar.

The CDHA awards program is made possible by the support of industry sponsors TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, Sunstar GUM, Dentsply and Crest Oral-B.

Serving the profession since 1963, CDHA is the collective national voice of more than 26,000 registered dental hygienists working in Canada, directly representing 17,000 individual members, including dental hygienists and students. Dental hygiene is the sixth largest registered health profession in Canada with professionals working in a variety of settings, including independent practice, with people of all ages, addressing issues related to oral health. For more information on oral health, visit: www.dentalhygienecanada.ca.

(Source: Canadian Dental Hygienists Association)

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