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Meeting review: 2016 Pacific Dental Conference

Wee-leprechaun Gina Marie, with Total Entertainment Network, offers attendees arriving at the Pacific Dental Conference a St. Patrick’s Day greeting Thursday morning, March 17. (Photo: Robert Selleck, Tribune America)
Robert Selleck, Tribune America

Robert Selleck, Tribune America

Sun. 20 March 2016


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada: The green bike lane outside of the Vancouver Convention Centre was the same as in past years. The Okanagan Valley green apples in the lobby were the same — as was the convention centre’s grsss-covered green roof. But the leprechauns? That was a hint that the conference would be even greener this year.

The two leprechauns were enthusiastically greeting attendees at the main entrance to the convention centre at the “top o’ the mornin’” on opening day of this year’s Pacific Dental Conference, which happened to coincide with St. Patrick’s Day. Indeed, the green at this year’s PDC just didn’t stop. Companies occupying the more than 600 booths in the sold-out Exhibit Hall were fully embracing the theme, with promises of just as much green fun for the remainder of the conference.

Exhibitor spaces were sold out again this year, which is typical for the meeting. There were more than 600 booths occupied by more than 300 companies. The meeting itself attracted record attendance, with meeting organizers anticipating that by the final day, total attendance would exceed 13,000.

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Attendees looking for savings were definitely in luck, as evidenced by all of the show specials being offered. A sampling included the following:

  • Shofu had its usual array of special offers in its booth, where attendees could try out the EyeSpecial C-II digital camera, which is designed exclusively for dentistry. Shofu also was showcasing its new BurButler system.
  • Isolite Systems was demonstrating its dental isolation system. The Isolite obturates the throat, protecting against accidental aspiration and ingestion, without obstructing the airway. The intent is to provide clinicians total control over the oral environment, while providing patients with total comfort.
  • DENTSPLY Canada was demonstrating its Cavitron touch and Steri-Mate 360-degree ultrasonic scaling.
  • Implant Direct introduced “simply integrated” Smart Packs, a new implant system that makes it easier to tailor case treatment and coordinate with restorative partners.
  • In the Orascoptic/KaVo Kerr booth, attendees could test out the Spark, a cordless headlight that dispenses its weight evenly across the frame to minimize concentrated facial pressure. Also on offer: the EyeZoom, co-engineered with Konica Minolta and offering three-step variable magnification technology and edge-to-edge high-definition resolution.
  • NDI introduced its all-new LightWalker ST PRO. The NDI folks invited attendees to stop by the booth for a free “test drive,” which they confidently said will “amaze.”
  • For those who have pediatric patients, NuSmile was offering a complete zirconia system — all based on scientific evidence. The NuSmile ZR and matching Try-in crowns captured lots of attention.
  • Planmeca offered information on how Romexis Software can help with all implant dentistry needs.

The exhibit floor at this year’s conference had its highly popular live dentistry sessions back in full force. Three sessions filled out the schedule on each of the two days that the meeting’s exhibition area was open. The conference’s “Live Dentistry Stage” was sponsored by Sinclair Dental and A-dec.


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