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Meeting review: 2017 JDIQ in Montréal

In the Paradise Dental Technologies booth, from left, Suzanne Perras, Louisette Boutet, RDH, and Wendy Birtles, RDH, pose appropriately framed along with a giant display model of a ‘Queen of Hearts’ curette — one of the company’s most popular instruments. (Photo: Robert Selleck, DTA)
Robert Selleck, DTA

Robert Selleck, DTA

Thu. 1 June 2017


MONTRÉAL, Quebec, CANADA: If it can support the care you provide your patients and improve the efficiency and success of your practice, it’s more than likely it could be found in the exhibit hall at the Journées Dentaires Internationales du Québec (JDIQ), held May 25 to 30 in Montréal, Quebec. During the two days of exhibits, May 29-30, the aisles were filled with the industry’s most innovative products, services and other resources.

In the Shofu Dental Corp. booth you could find a dental camera designed to perform with consistent results for any skill-level user working in real-world operatory conditions: The Shofu EyeSpecial C-II. The company also had its usual expansive selection of show-special pricing on its many restorative products.

In the National Dental booth, you could get a close-up look at dentistry’s cutting edge, with the Fotona LightWalker dual-wavelength laser system on center display.

In the Designs for Vision booth, you could find one of the lightest and brightest headlights on the market, the company’s WireLess Mini. The light can be attached to virtually any eyewear and the spot size illuminates the entire oral cavity.

In the Septodont booth, you could learn more about the company’s popular BIOROOT root canal sealer and Biodentine dentin substitute.

Among the broad selection of high-tech imaging equipment on display was the Ultra-Low Dose scanning technology in the Planmeca booth. An independent study showed an average 77 percent reduction in radiation dose without any reduction in image quality.

You could sign up for 15-minute seminars about the SALUS hygiene sterility maintenance container in the SciCan booth. Attendees automatically received a chance at winning a deluxe gift basket. The company also was presenting sessions on proper use of hard-surface cleaner/disinfectant.

More than 225 exhibitors filled 500 booths in the 125,000-square-foot exhibit hall. And more than 2,000 company representatives were on hand to help attendees learn about, test out, and compare virtually any product or service available to support today’s dental practice.

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