DT News - Canada - Rhein’83 hosts first international congress in Bologna

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Rhein’83 hosts first international congress in Bologna

The first Rhein Days took place in Bologna on 12 and 13 June. (Photograph: Rhein’83)

Mon. 13 July 2015


BOLOGNA, Italy: Under the theme “Tradition and innovation of retentive systems”, Italian dental manufacturer Rhein’83 held its first international congress on 12 and 13 June in Bologna. The Rhein Days symposium aimed to give dentists and dental technicians an opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss the latest developments in the field of removable prosthetic solutions.

Today, removable prostheses are often considered a less attractive treatment option. However, in some cases, an implant-supported removable prosthesis offers a sound and feasible therapeutic option that helps to optimise the facial aesthetics.

During the first Rhein Days, 20 prominent Italian speakers presented various prosthetic treatment options to an audience of more than 400 people from all over Europe, as well as several Arabic countries, the US and Asia.

One of the presenters, Prof. Andrea Borracchini, addressed the topic of edentulism in his lecture “A teethless world? Edentulism evolution in the modern era”. Another lecture, given by Dr Giacomo Storni, focused on the importance of soft tissue in prosthetic-aesthetic rehabilitation. Italian dental technician Carlo Borromeo discussed tradition and innovation in the field of removable prosthetics and explained how to integrate new digital techniques into the daily practice of a dental technician.

The two-day event moreover served as an occasion to present the International Academy of Removable Prostheses, a project supported by many dentists and dental technicians and sponsored by several Italian and foreign universities with the aim of creating a forum where dental professionals can share their opinions and experiences.

With reference to ongoing research efforts in the field, Rhein’83 is planning to hold the second Rhein Days in 2017, aiming to create a regular biennial meeting of experts in removable prosthetics.

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