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Meeting review: Journées dentaires internationales du Québec

Denise Hetu presents ‘Power of Touch,’ demonstrating the Cavitron Touch Ultrasonic Scaling System, at the Patterson Dental booth during Journées dentaires internationales du Québec (JDIQ) in Montreal, Quebec. (Photo: Robert Selleck, DTA)
By Robert Selleck, DTA

By Robert Selleck, DTA

Wed. 1 June 2016


MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada: Some of the top names in dentistry presented educational sessions at this year’s Journées dentaires internationales du Québec. The scientific program, which ran from May 27 to 31, included more than 125 lectures and workshops in English and French.

Among the many prominent speakers from Canada, the U.S. and Europe were Dr. Gordon Christensen, Dr. Ross Nash, Dr. Harol O Heyman, Dr. Mark Lin, Dr. Gary Glassman, Dr. George Merijohn, Dr. Joseph Choukroun, Dr. Mohamed Ben Hamar, Dr. Cathia Bergeron and Dr. Nadim Baba.

Session topics included cone-beam computed tomography, endodontics lasers, dental photography, dentures, composites, challenging implant cases, advanced local anesthesia, dento-alveolar surgery, conservative dentistry, sleep apnea and embezzlement protection for practices.

Meeting attendees could also view a wide selection of dental products and services. Starting with a complimentary continental breakfast at 8 a.m. and ending with a cocktail reception from 4 to 5 p.m., steady crowds filled the aisles of the JDIQ exhibit hall on its opening day, Monday, May 30.

Some of the most innovative products and services in dentistry attracted streams of dental professionals taking advantage of hands-on opportunities to check out instruments, devices and services supporting the profession.

Among the examples, the Isolite Systems booth had dentists stopping to learn more about how the devices can provide total control over the oral environment for virtually any procedure.

The experts at Shofu Dental Corp. were demonstrating the Eye Special C-II, a digital camera designed exclusively for dentistry, with features that recognize the unique challenges of the operatory.

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In the Patterson booth, sessions in French and English were scheduled throughout the day to provide hands-on experience with the new Cavitron Touch Ultrasonic Scaling System from DENTSPLY Canada.

And in the Posiflex booth, a fully articulated “Dr. Woodley” was attracting lots of attention from dental professionals who could immediately identify with the mannequin’s various “pain points” attributed to the dental profession’s challenging workday ergonomics. Posiflex has a variety of seating systems designed to end your discomfort (or stop it from happening).

Other booths throughout the exhibit hall were catching just as much interest.

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